
Useful web links for setting up Exchange 2019 and migration to it

Some useful links

GetSimple CMS (Content Managment System)

GetSimple is an Open-Source CMS - which is used for this web site - and is one which I find very useful for the production of quick, relatively simpler web sites. IT runs on most LAMP type servers and is a UNIX / PHP suite of code. It will also run on the Windows base XAMMP system, with a few small limitatuions. One of the strengths of GetSimple [...] Read more

Booting a VM from a USB key [VCentre 7.x]

Yes, you can boot a VM guest PC from a USB key, such as a Ventoy one, by using the USB 'pass through' mode on the ESXi physical host. Normally, it's easier to boot from an ISO in the data store, but if you want screen grabs for documentation or to test something, USB boot can be handy. Remember to load the USB key before you try to add it to [...] Read more

Ventoy - an open source tool to create bootable USB drive for ISO/WIM/IMG/VHD(x)/EFI files.

OK, so what you may ask.. there are many similar tools, Rufus being one of the better know and supported. What is special about Ventoy? Well, the main thing is that whereas Rufus et al create a USB with a single bootable ISO on it, Ventoy creates a bootable USB which can contain many ISOs which you can then select from a menu. Pop over to the [...] Read more

Recursive 'flat file' copy in Windows

If one wants to copy some files from a tree to a new location, and *not* retain the tree structure, this 'for' command will help. for /r %d in (*.mobi) do copy "%d" "u:\kindle\t3\" /y In this case it copies all the 'mobi' e-book files from a tree into a working directory so they can be converted to a different format.

Adding RSAT (Remote Server Tools) to Windows 10 via PowerShell.

Whilst it is possible to add RSAT features to W10 via the Apps|Optional Features settings, it is usually quiter and less both to use PowerShell. In an elevated windows run this: Get-WindowsCapability -name RSAT* -online|Add-WindowsCapability -online 5 minutes later all the RSAT tools have been installed and no reboot is needed. Of course, as this [...] Read more

LAMP - or sort of - on Windows - aka XAMMP

LAMP (Linux, Apache – Nginx, technically –, PHP, and MySQL/MariaDB) is the 'default' stack used on most commercial hosting systems and so it's not a bad idea to at least have a gentle grasp of it. For dev work one could set up a VM running Debbian etc but if one is happy with Windows then why not set up a dev system on that - VM or not. XAMMP (see [...] Read more

RV Tools and monitoring VCentre

Different versions of VCentre have different ways of monitoring the overall health of systems and generally do a good job of it. But sometimes, it can be useful to have an external tools to check on what is happening, and the free RVTools is one such excellent tool. It's free, and can be downloaded from here It is a small Windows program that [...] Read more

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