
Powershell script to endlessly download large files to test network

We recently had an odd problem with a Dell XPS laptop which used a RealTek USB3 to Ethernet adaptor and would often fail to transfer large files, showing a 'Network error'. It didn't matter if it was over the LAN or Internet and if one used Wi-fi it worked fine too.

Repeatability is all in this sort of debugging so this script was written to repeatedly pull down large files from the Vodafone test site - others are available.

# Script to run in Powershell to download test files of various sizes
# DKM 2023-04
# Source files from - see which for alternatives
$GetInfo = { 
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile -Uri
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10

Despite trying various RealTek drivers and RealTek based interface boxes, we could not get this to work reliably so in the end purchased a low cost 'Morelecs' (<£10 GBP) adaptor which used  ASIX AX88179 chipset which worked 100% of the time. Note that this chip is obsolescent and has been replaced by the 88179A model which is a USB 3.2 Gen version.


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