
Windows 8 is here..

and I must say, I think it's the biggest mistake Microsoft has made since Vista. For a tablet it probably works well - after all my Android cellphone has been using something very similar for a few years now as have Apple products.

But for a Corporate desktop? Are they serious? Are they mad?

None, not one, of my clients thins they would ever use it as a desktop operating system and I must say I agree.


And, as a first experience, when I installed the MSDN VLA version and went to register it, I found I couldn't. There is no box to enter the serial number but yes, you do need one. The trick is to open an elevated command window and type:

    slui 3 and press ENTER
        yes, SLUI: which stands for SOFTWARE LICENSING USER INTERFACE

  •             SLUI 1 brings up the activation status window
  •             SLUI 2 brings up the activation window
  •             SLUI 3 brings up the CHANGE PRODUCT KEY window
  •             SLUI 4 brings up the CALL MICROSOFT & MANUALLY ACTIVATE window

    Type in your product key

Enjoy - well done Microsoft....a great start to the Windows 8 experience.

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